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Ohio Website Shows Where Nursing Homes Excel and Fall Short

June 20, 2017

The lack of information regarding the quality of care in nursing homes presents a challenge for potential consumers looking to choose a facility that is the right fit for them. In Ohio, a solution for residents has been created to aid future consumers in this dilemma. Similar to review websites like Yelp, the Ohio Department of Aging has collaborated with the Scripps Gerontology Center at Miami University to create an online guide composed of specialized surveys from current nursing home consumers that focus on several areas including care and services, environment, facility culture, how time is spent, meals, quality of the caregivers, and whether a facility provides enough information and is helpful when a resident moves in. Ohio has also included state health inspection results, information about available services, and accepted payment methods at each of the facilities. Although the Ohio guide was created as a tool for those that are looking for a nursing home, it has also been utilized by facilities to help make improvements in their care quality. This guide gives facilities the opportunity to understand and repair the disconnect between the residents’ wants and the care they are given. Read the full article here.