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Younger Residents

Younger residents in long-term care facilities represent a growing but frequently under-served population. In 2016, 16.5% (a 1.4% increase since 2013) of residents in nursing homes were younger than 65 (Long-Term Care Providers and Services Users in the United States: Data From the National Study of Long-Term Care Providers, 2015-2016, State charts can be found here., United States HHS, CDC).  Resources on this page share information about issues younger residents encounter in long-term care facilities and Ombudsman program advocacy considerations for ensuring individualized care.

Younger Residents in Nursing Homes Article by the University of Texas
This study examined a group of younger residents, describing issues identified by residents and facility staff and identifying strategies that might improve their quality of life. In this study, the majority of younger residents were men with significant physical and mental health deficits, who spent most of their time alone or watching television. Residents wanted a greater variety of relevant recreational activities and more meaningful relationships with family, staff, and other residents.

Addressing the Needs of Younger Residents (PowerPoint Presentation)
This PowerPoint was developed by Brian Capshaw, a younger resident living in a nursing home. This PowerPoint discusses the reasons why younger residents’ live in nursing homes and the effects it can have on them.

Achieving Cultural Competence for the Younger Adult in Long-Term Care Settings(PowerPoint Presentation)
This PowerPoint looks at the demographics of younger residents in long-term care facilities, analyzes the dynamics of staff and younger residents, and provides considerations for ensuring younger residents have the highest practicable quality of life and care.

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