Specialized Information for:

Nursing HomesAssisted Living/Board & Care Home and Community Based Services

Volunteer Support

Volunteers are the backbone of many Long-term Care Ombudsman Programs. With the help of volunteers, the Ombudsman program can have a regular presence in facilities and stay in touch with residents. Included are resources on recruitment, training, retention, and recognition of volunteers; materials from webinars hosted by the NORC; and volunteer management examples from Ombudsman programs around the country.

​Join our LTCO Volunteer Management Network Listserv!

NORC hosts a free, private listserv for Ombudsman programs that work with volunteers. The purpose of this listserv is to promote discussion among your peers and share challenges and successes regarding Ombudsman program volunteer management. NORC staff will respond to questions and highlight resources, as appropriate. The group is only open to  Ombudsman program representatives that manage volunteers, it is not open to volunteer Ombudsman program representatives, family members, residents, or facility staff. We encourage you to join the listserv and connect with your peers across the country.

To join, contact Carol Scott, Ombudsman Specialist, National Long-Term Care Ombudsman Resource Center.

Volunteer Appreciation Week

Volunteer Appreciation Week is held in April every year and it is an opportunity to shine a light on the people and causes that inspire us to serve. The Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program (LTCOP) could not be its best without the volunteers who help carry out the mission of advocating for long-term care residents. Thank your volunteers and recognize their work publicly by sending NORC brief messages of appreciation for their dedicated advocacy (e.g., examples of their advocacy, years of service, photos). We will post your message on our social media. View a thank you video from ACL. Email your submissions to ombudcenter@theconsumervoice.org.