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Nursing HomesAssisted Living/Board & Care Home and Community Based ServicesJanuary 2025
The Initial Certification Training Curriculum for Long-Term Care Ombudsman Programs is a basic curriculum for initial certification training based on the requirements included in the Administration for Community Living (ACL) Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program Training Standards.
NOTE: The curriculum materials, including the introduction and planning documents, have been updated as of January 2025. Review the materials below to understand the revisions and learn about our NEW online course to compliment the original curriculum.
Initial Certification Training Curriculum for Long-Term Care Ombudsman Programs Flyer
Training for Ombudsman staff and volunteers is critical for maintaining an effective long-term care Ombudsman program. This on-demand education platform is a learning center for all individuals interested in achieving quality long-term care and is available through your computer. The training center allows you to delve into important topics through online courses.
The Initial Certification Training Curriculum for Long-Term Care Ombudsman Programs is a basic curriculum for initial certification training based on the requirements included in the Administration for Community Living (ACL) Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program Training Standards.
The curriculum has ten modules and is available in two formats. The online version of the modules is intended to supplement the self-study portion of the training materials. Program representatives can use these FAQs to guide you through the Training Center, and be sure to talk to your State Ombudsman if you are interested in using this course.
Train the Trainer Session – Adult Learning Skills (November 2021)
This Train-the-Trainer session from the 2021 Consumer Voice Virtual Conference was designed for Ombudsmen and representatives that conduct training for new paid and volunteer representatives of the Office. Training for Ombudsman program representatives is critical for maintaining an effective program. View the recording, PowerPoint slides, and handout to learn how principles of adult learning can help ensure your "students" are successful in advocating on behalf of residents of long-term care settings.
Introduction to the New Initial Certification Training Curriculum for Long-Term Care Ombudsman Programs (January 26, 2022)
View the PowerPoint.
Online Training Curriculum
This training translates the NORC curriculum, Equipping Long-Term Care Ombudsmen for Effective Advocacy: A Basic Curriculum (see below) into an online form. The teaching methods found in this training are based on principles of adult learning and grounded in LTCO values such as being resident directed.
Please Note! This online version of the NORC curriculum is meant to supplement your state training, and its completion does not automatically certify you as a long-term care ombudsman (LTCO). For more information, contact your State LTC Ombudsman Office.
Review these Technical Tips before accessing the Online Curriculum.
If you would like to work through each module individually, click on the links below.
Online training ends here!
Equipping Long-Term Care Ombudsmen for Effective Advocacy: A Basic Curriculum - PDF version of the online training
This curriculum is designed to help states improve their basic training for local long-term care ombudsmen (LTCO). The teaching methods are based on principles of adult learning and grounded in LTCO values such as being resident directed. States should add specific state content where appropriate.
I. The History and Role of the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program
This module provides the history, development and unique aspects of the LTCOP. It may be used as a resource as well as a training tool for staff and volunteers.
II. The Aging Process
Basic content on age related changes and their impact on daily functioning is designed to help ombudsmen know what to question. Information on myths about care, common illnesses and conditions and commonly prescribed drugs is included. The preface includes ideas for teaching. It may be used with the Louisiana LTCOP’s Ombudsman Training, Module 3-Aging, available from NORC. (Word version)
III. Residents’ Rights
This module provides an understanding of residents’ rights and the role of the Long-Term Care Ombudsman (LTCO) in supporting residents in exercising their rights. It provides a way of thinking about residents’ rights and an approach for ombudsman work regardless of the specific issue. Topics covered include: empowerment as a basic LTCO approach; the principles underlying residents’ rights; specific residents’ rights provisions; how residents can be supported and encouraged in exercising their rights and the role of the LTCO.
IV. The Problem-Solving Process: Investigation
This module provides training on complaint handling and investigation. The chapter looks at the ombudsman approach to problem-solving, policy considerations, and dilemmas in receiving complaints; and provides specific instruction on intake, investigation, and verification of complaints. Included is background narrative material, teaching notes and ideas, and handouts.
V. The Problem-Solving Process: Resolution
This module is a sequel to the Problem-Solving Process: Investigation module. It discusses the ombudsman role in problem resolution. It covers stages 2 and 3 of the problem-solving process – analyzing and using information gathered during investigation to formulate a strategy. It presents primary approaches to resolving problems, and responsibilities for follow-up.