Specialized Information for:
Nursing HomesAssisted Living/Board & Care Home and Community Based ServicesMay 28th, 2015
During this webinar we discuss how risk management applies to every aspect of managing and supporting volunteer long-term care ombudsmen. Presenters provide tips for screening volunteers, identifying and removing risk, and responding to situations when the actions, or inaction, of a volunteer LTCO negatively impacts your program.
Presenters: Sarah Hinzman, Volunteer Ombudsman Program & Americorps VISTA Project Coordinator, IA LTCOP; Darlene Cray, Volunteer Program Coordinator, NH LTCOP; and Amity Overall-Laib, Manager, LTCO Program & Policy, NORC
Amity Overall-Laib Slides
Sarah Hinzman Slides and Materials
Darlene Cray
Additional Resources (shared during webinar)