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California Ombudsman, Molly Davies, Interviewed on Immediate Jeopardy in Nursing Homes

April 06, 2021

California long-term care Ombudsman, Molly Davies, was interviewed by LAist on abuse, neglect, and immediate jeopardy in nursing homes. The article states that potential nursing home buyers can sign management agreements with nursing home owners and if an application is denied, potential owners can appeal, a process that can take years, and they're allowed to operate the facilities while they wait for a decision. Molly Davies, Los Angeles County's Ombudsman program representative, called the loophole "absolutely absurd." Molly believes nursing home operators who are denied ownership applications should face additional scrutiny. In the article Molly also documented a leaky roof at one facility that left residents exposed for years. She said pieces from the ceiling were coming down and splashing was audible when you walked through the room, because the water was so high.

Read the full article.