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Nursing HomesAssisted Living/Board & Care Home and Community Based Services
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Person-Centered Care

A nursing home is a place residents call "home." A place where someone lives, and calls home should nurture the human spirit as well as meet medical needs. Person-centered care focuses on the resident and supports them in making choices and having control of their daily life. Person-centered care is an important component in residents’ right to “care and services to attain or maintain the highest practicable physical, mental, and psychosocial well-being;” as promised in the Federal Nursing Home Regulations. The goal of person-centered care is to deinstitutionalize the facility to create an environment that follows the residents' routines rather than those imposed by facility staff and provides truly individualized care. It is the role of the Ombudsman program to advocate for residents and their right to make choices to direct their care and life in long-term care facilities. Below are documents and resources that may help Ombudsman programs in their work to achieve person-centered care.

NORC Resources

Ombudsman Advocacy and Culture Change: Achieving Resident-Directed Care in Daily Advocacy (January 2012)

As advocates for residents living in long-term care facilities, ombudsmen have long promoted individualized, resident-directed care. They incorporate culture change in their regular activities, advocating for residents, working with families, facility staff and administration and others through Culture Change Coalitions and state and national quality initiatives. This webinar demonstrates how long-term care ombudsmen can promote culture change practices at both the individual and systemic level during daily advocacy and complaint resolution. During this interactive webinar we will review tips for ombudsman advocacy, discuss the role of the ombudsman in culture change and review two case studies.

LTCOP Innovative Practices: Incorporating Person-Centered Care in Ombudsman Training, Complaint Investigation and Advocacy (October 2012)
This webinar is designed to help ombudsmen think about applying person centered care principles to the role of the ombudsman in advocacy and program management. The presentations delve into the gray areas around avoiding the perception of being more of a provider advocate than a consumer advocate, resource allocation, and teaching ombudsmen how to apply the principles to their ongoing work. Participants had the opportunity to share their program's best practices and learned about resources from the National Long-Term Care Ombudsman Resource Center and the National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care regarding person-centered care/culture change and the role of the ombudsman.


Additional Resources

ACL Guidance for Outreach and Providing Services for Holocaust Survivors (January 2017)
ACL created this guidance as a vehicle by which the Aging Services Network can build stronger connections to organizations and stakeholders providing care to Holocaust survivors, to enhance service capacity and quality.  The guidance examines the unique needs and challenges of serving Holocaust survivors, with a particular focus on mental and physical health, nutrition, transportation, caregiver support, outreach, legal and ombudsman services, with a foundation in person-centered, trauma-informed approaches.

Journey to Culture Change (November 2015)
Presented by the Maryland Culture Change Coalition, these slides serve as a guide on the culture change movement and how culture change can be implemented.

Changing the Nursing Home Culture (March 2008)
Alliance for Health Reform Culture Change Issue Brief

Pioneer Network
A grassroots movement to transform the culture of aging in America. The movement is called culture change, the transformation of traditional institutions and practices into communities in which each person's capacities and individuality are affirmed and developed.

Locate Your State Culture Change Coalition - search for your state coalition


Training and Outreach

LTCOP Innovative Practices: Incorporating Person-Centered Care in Ombudsman Training, Complaint Investigation and Advocacy Intensive

Individualized Care: The Key to Quality and Retention
Quality Partners of Rhode Island - coordinated a 2004-2005 CMS pilot of QIO work in nursing homes


Ombudsman Program Examples

View Ombudsman program examples on culture change/person-centered care


Information to Share with Consumers

My Personal Directions for Quality Living - Blank Form & Sample
A tool from Consumer Voice, with edits by SAGE, for individuals to share what matters to them for person-centered care.

Culture Change in Nursing Homes
A Consumer Voice fact sheet on culture change.

Individualized Assessment with Behavioral Symptoms

Basics of Individualized Quality Care

Pioneer Network
A grassroots movement to transform the culture of aging in America. The movement is called culture change, the transformation of traditional institutions and practices into communities in which each person's capacities and individuality are affirmed and developed.

Locate Your State Culture Change Coalition - search for your state coalition



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Culture Change Inservice Training (February 2011)
Ohio Department of Aging, Finer with Age, February 2011 Program Regarding Person-Centered Care

Residents: The Heart of the Matter
Best Practices of Northern Michigan 13th Annual Conference

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