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Part III Webinar Materials from the Three-Part Volunteer Management Webinar Series

April 22nd, 2020

Three-Part Volunteer Management Webinar Series: Successful Practices in Volunteer Recruitment, Training, and Retention (February 19,  March 11, and April 22, 2020)

NORC hosted a series of three webinars designed to help Ombudsman programs recruit, support, and retain volunteers. These 75-minute webinars included examples from programs across the country and plenty of time for brainstorming and sharing from all participants.

Part I:  Developing a Work Plan to Recruit Volunteers (February 19, 2020)

View the slides as a PowerPoint or PDF.

Speakers: Patty Ducayet, Texas State Ombudsman; Amanda Sedeño, Managing Local Ombudsman, Area Agency on Aging, Concho Valley Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program, St. Angelo, TX; Melody L. Elston, MSW, Regional Ombudsman Program Director, Kansas City, MO

Part II: Mentoring and Monitoring Volunteers (March 11, 2020)

View the slides as a PowerPoint or PDF.


Speakers:  Mark Miller, DC State Ombudsman; Mary Ann Parker, DC LTCOP Attorney; Genesis A. Cachedon, DC Volunteer Specialist; Joseph Rodrigues, CA State Ombudsman; Carolyn Tenaglia, PA NE Regional Ombudsman

Part III: Retaining Volunteers (April 22, 2020)

View the slides as a PowerPoint or PDF.

Speakers: Dana Gargus, Kitsap WA Regional LTC Ombudsman; Aaron M Riley, Spokane WA Regional LTC Ombudsman; and Carol Scott, Ombudsman Specialist, National Ombudsman Resource Center