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Pennsylvania Ombudsmen Recognized for Virtual Family Council

October 14, 2020

The Pennsylvania Governor’s Office and the Pennsylvania Department of Aging have acknowledged Regional Ombudsman Specialist Carolyn Tenaglia in Schuylkill County for her role in developing the Virtual Family Council.

Oklahoma State Ombudsman, William Whited, Testifies on COVID-19’s Impact on Residents in Long-Term Care Facilities

August 27, 2020

Oklahoma State Ombudsman, William Whited, testifies at an interim study on COVID-19’s impact on residents in long-term care facilities hosted by the House of Representatives subcommittee on health services.

Texas Ombudsman, Marsha Evans, Works to Connect with Long-Term Care Residents During COVID-19

August 24, 2020

Texas Long-Term Care Ombudsman, Marsha Evans, was featured in the Dallas News for her work with connecting with long-term care residents. The article also features other individuals who are finding ways to connect with residents in the facilities during COVID-19.

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