Specialized Information for:
Nursing HomesAssisted Living/Board & Care Home and Community Based ServicesThe National Ombudsman Resource Center (NORC) hosts a virtual office hour the last Wednesday of each month at 2:00 pm ET. This is an opportunity to ask questions, share information, and have open conversations with your peers and NORC staff. Starting in August 2024, we will record and post these calls, and you need to register to attend. If you are registered and attend at least 30 minutes of the call, you will be sent a certificate of participation. Limited space is available. Create a monthly calendar reminder on the last Wednesday of each month at 2:00pm ET and register to join.
Below is a list of resources mentioned in each call.
March - Volunteer Recruitment, Retention, and Recognition
February - Resident Engagement
January - LTCOP Training: Federal Minimum Standards and Best Practices
October - Visitation and the Holidays
August - Voting Resources
July - NORS Consistency and Quality Assurance
June - Investigating Complaints of Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation
May - Individual Conflict of Interest
March - Successful Practices for Maintaining Boundaries for your Program
February - Maintaining Boundaries for your Role in the Ombudsman Program
January - Maintaining Boundaries and Staying in the Ombudsman Program Lane
November - Nursing Home Involuntary Discharge Survey and Count: Survey of Long-Term Care Ombudsmen
October - Systems Advocacy and the Proposed Staffing Standard
September - Residents' Rights Month
August - Working with Survey Agencies
NOTE: Bev Laubert, National Ombudsman Program Coordinator, Administration for Community Living, provided the above presentation about the role and responsibilities of the LTCOP during the Association of Health Facility Survey Agencies (AHFSA) annual conference earlier this month.
July - Improving NORS Consistency
May - Sexual Expression and Intimacy
April - Facility Closures
March - Risk Management
February - Designing the Future of Inclusive Long-Term Care – Listening Session
January - Addressing Issues Due to Inadequate Staffing